Mary Dumebi

In The Market Place

About The Book

“Breastfeeding In The Marketplace” is a heart-warming and empowering book that resonates with mothers from all walks of life. Authored by Chukwudumebi Mary Orumgbe, this book is a celebration of the journey of motherhood and the unique bond between a mother and her child. With a focus on transforming shame into pride, the book emphasizes the importance of supporting breastfeeding mothers and creating a culture of empathy and understanding.

Through personal anecdotes, insights, and a universal message, Chukwudumebi Mary Orumgbe guides readers on a journey that empowers and uplifts, reminding every mother that they are an integral part of a global sisterhood. “Breastfeeding In The Marketplace” is not just a book; it’s a movement towards embracing diverse motherhood experiences and nurturing a sense of unity among mothers everywhere.

Through her candid storytelling, Chukwudumebi addresses the challenges that many mothers face, from the anxiety of breastfeeding in public to the emotional toll of postpartum experiences. The book is a comforting guide, offering not just practical advice but a reassuring voice that says, “You’re not alone, and you’re doing great.” we are in it together to give every child the best start in life.

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About The Author

Chukwudumebi Mary Orumgbe advocates for empowered motherhood, children’s well-being, and holistic development. Her journey as a mother and her commitment to uplifting others led her to pen the inspirational book “Breastfeeding In The Marketplace.” With a background in education and a heart filled with empathy, Chukwudumebi believes in the transformative power of support and understanding during the crucial stages of motherhood.

Her genuine dedication to fostering a nurturing environment for mothers and children alike is evident in her book, where she shares personal experiences and encourages universal pride in the journey of motherhood. Through her work, Chukwudumebi Mary Orumgbe continues to positively impact mothers, empowering them to embrace their choices, connect with one another, and celebrate the extraordinary journey of nurturing and bonding with their children.

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What the Readers think

Lia M

"Empowering and Heartfelt! "Breastfeeding In The Marketplace" transformed my perspective on motherhood. It's a must-read for all moms!"

Sarah M

"A True Celebration of Motherhood! This book made me feel proud of my journey. It's a beautiful reminder that we're all in this together."

Laura H

"Chukwudumebi's book is a beacon of empathy. It helped me overcome my fears and embrace breastfeeding confidently."

Susan N

"Breastfeeding In The Marketplace shows that supporting one another is key. I'm grateful for this empowering read. 10/10 would recommend this book to new moms."

Marley B

"A Game-Changer for Moms! If you're a mom, read this book! It'll change how you view your journey and inspire you to celebrate and cherish every moment with your little ones!"

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Becoming a mother is a beautiful journey filled with joy, challenges, and endless learning. Among the many important aspects of motherhood, breastfeeding holds a special place. It’s not just about nourishing your baby; it’s about forming a deep and intimate bond that sets the foundation for a lifetime of love and care.

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Becoming a new mom is a momentous occasion filled with joy, wonder, and, of course, challenges. One of these challenges that many new moms face is the feeling of shame or insecurity when breastfeeding in public. It’s a natural part of motherhood, yet societal norms and expectations can sometimes make it a daunting experience. But fear not, new moms – you’re not alone, and there are ways to overcome these feelings and embrace your breastfeeding journey with confidence.

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